
Estimation of surface-level PM concentration from satellite observation taking into account the aerosol vertical profiles and hygroscopicity

by air_관리자 posted Dec 23, 2015


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저자 Kwanchul Kim, Kwon H. Lee, Ji I. Kim, Youngmin Noh, Dong H. Shin, Sung K. Shin, Dasom Lee, Jhoon Kim, Young J. Kim, Chul H. Song
교신저자 Chul H. Song
학술지명 Chemosphere
게재년월 2016.01
논문번호 143:32-40
번호 57*

Kwanchul Kim, Kwon H. Lee, Ji I. Kim, Youngmin Noh, Dong H. Shin, Sung K. Shin, Dasom Lee, Jhoon Kim, Young J. Kim, Chul H. Song: Estimation of surface-level PM concentration from satellite observation taking into account the aerosol vertical profiles and hygroscopicity, Chemosphere, 143, 32-40, 2016.
