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  • Name  한경만 (Han, Kyung Man), Research Assistant Prof.
  • Interests  :
    1. Evaluation of NOx & VOCs emissions using integration of 3D-CTM with satellite observations
    2. Top-down NOx estimations from satellite observations
    3. HOx-NOx-VOCs-aerosol photochemistry

2011.03  present


Research Assistant Prof. (Research Fellow/Post-Doc.)

in School of Environmental Science & Engineering, GIST


2006.09  2011.02


Ph.D in School of Environmental Science & Engineering, GIST


2002.08  2004.08


M.S. in School of Environmental Science & Engineering, GIST


1994.03  2002.02


B.S. in Department of Environmental Science, Kyung Hee University







o 3차원 광화학 모델 및 인공위성자료를 활용한 동아시아 지역 질소산화물 배출량 산출

   한국연구재단 (미래창조과학부) 2014.05 - 2017.04


o 극지 대기오염 및 기후변화 연구를 위한 대기질 모델링 시스템 개발 및 활용 (해양극지기초원천기술개발 위탁과제)

   한국연구재단 (미래창조과학부) 2016.05 - 2020.04



유진혁 (Jinhyeok Yu) file
한경만 (Han, Kyung Man) file
김현수 (Kim, Hyun Soo) file
태그 목록